Created by the singular German artist and composer Heiner Goebbels and receiving its world premiere in Manchester as part of 14-18 NOW, this Artangel co-commission explores Europe since the outbreak of the first great war of the 20th century: a contradictory, non-linear world lurching from the crisis of conflict to the promise of peace as 100 years pass by.
Part-performance, part-construction site, Everything that happened and would happen is a re-enactment of history, always on the verge of collapse – only to be rebuilt as if nothing had happened.
Featuring 20 performers and musicians, this new work brings together live music, performance, sound, movement and image on the site of Mayfield, a former railway station in Manchester.
All set elements originally designed by Klaus Grünberg for
John Cage: Europeras 1 & 2 (directed by Heiner Goebbels, Ruhrtriennale 2012)
Texts from Europeana by Patrik Ourednik
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Music by C.Emaille, G.Gebbia, C.Lartigau, L.Maurel, N.Perrin, O.Messiaen, H. Goebbels
Juan Felipe Amaya Gonzalez, Sandhya Daemgen, Antoine Effroy, Ismeni Espejel, Montserrat Gardó Castillo, Freddy Houndekindo, Tuan Ly, Thanh Nguyễn Duy, John Rowley, Annegret Schalke, Ildikó Tóth, Tyra Wigg
Camille Emaille Percussion
Gianni Gebbia Saxophones
Cécile Lartigau Ondes Martenot
Léo Maurel Organ
Nicolas Perrin Guitar, Electronics
Assistants to the Director: Théo Arnulf, Niels Wehr
Observation & Support: Maud Blandel, Thanasis Deligianassis, Shiori Tsuchida
Produced by Artangel. Co-commissioned by 14-18 NOW; WW1 Centenary Art Commissions, Artangel, Park Avenue Armory and Ruhrtriennale. The world premiere is co-presented with Artangel and Manchester International Festival (MIF) as a pre-Factory event.
Heiner Goebbels